Five Healthy Habits For Mental Strength

Life can be pretty crazy sometimes, right? We’ve all got a plethora of problems to sort out, conflicts to solve, and tough spots to endure. But why does it seem like some people handle adversity better than others? What’s the secret to maintaining the calm when everyone else seems to be panicking and losing their minds?

Mental toughness.

Contrary to popular belief, mental toughness isn’t something you’re born with or not. It’s not a luck of the draw sort of thing. That means that everyone can work to improve their fortitude with a little practice and mindfulness when life starts going sideways. Research backs this up. Since the 1960’s, groups like the Beck Institute have pioneered Cognitive Therapy in the hopes of helping people stop negative “automatic thoughts” that impaired their views of themselves, the world, and/or the future. And the results are clear: everyone can change the way they think and develop mental toughness.

But how?

Below are five tips for developing your mental toughness in a positive way.

Set your expectations

Mental toughness isn’t about avoiding conflict. While you can’t control every aspect of your life, you can control how you will react. Act like you’ve got everything under control and no one will think otherwise. You might wind up even fooling yourself. Know that time is finite and there’s only so much you can do in a certain period of time. By setting realistic expectations for what you can achieve in a given amount of time, you’re laying groundwork for measurable performance and success.

Strengthen Self Control

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Whether things are going crazy at work or you feel the urge to find comfort in sweets after a trying day, take a moment to step back from the situation. By stepping out of the present, stressful moment and putting it in larger perspective, you can give every crisis its context and respond with a level-headed calmness. By delaying gratification, whether in the form of a cupcake or yelling at someone, you’re helping yourself to see difficulty as a setback rather than an insurmountable problem.

Focus on Yourself

No matter what you do, you’re never going to please everyone. Mentally tough people have mastered the art of focusing on impressing themselves. Love the ensemble you put on but maybe other people can’t appreciate your sense of style? Well, those haters are going to hate. They don’t matter. You should surround yourself with people who can appreciate you for who you are and the unique traits you have to offer, especially since these people are likely ones you can count on when you feel that your mental toughness is starting to get a little weak. Similarly, don’t get down in the dumps by envying other people or being jealous of their success. If you see someone who’s doing things with their life you want to achieve too, focus on how you can get there yourself, rather than how that other person reached their goals easily.

Silence the Negative Talk

Whether it’s expressing envy over someone else’s success or using negative words to describe yourself, your words have immense power to shape your worldview. Don’t let that glass-half-empty viewpoint dominate your thoughts. When you make the effort to see the positive in everything, you’ll find it was there all along. And when you find aspects of yourself or your life that you’d like to change, focus on how you can do that and set measurable goals rather than sitting back and accepting your present as your life’s course. Become your biggest advocate and believe in yourself. Others will follow your lead and believe in you too!


If you have ever watched the Disney Show, Frozen, you will remember Elsa sang, “Let It Go!”

Elsa had it right. Don’t let the past bring you down or be deadweight on your path to success. Everyone has suffered failures and setbacks, but it’s the people who learn from their mistakes or face adversity with a measured approach that come out on top. Don’t let your past dictate what your present and future should look like. There’s no point in lamenting something you can’t possibly change. But the present and future is only what you choose to make of it. Make it something amazing! That commitment to the present will build mental toughness in no time.

Improving your mental toughness takes mindfulness and commitment. It’s not easy, but the payoff and rewards are immense. Take charge of your life and withstand adversity like a pro!

Thankfulness: The Special Needs Way

When my daughter was born with Down syndrome, I never imagined that someday I would be thankful for her diagnosis. At the time of her birth, our future seemed bleak and limited. But disability was so different from what I thought it would be, and years later, there is so much I am thankful for.

I am thankful disability is not the horrible green eyed monster I thought it was

I was scared of disability, mainly because I was ignorant; I didn’t know much about it or what it would mean to our family. But I have discovered that disability is part of life. You learn, you grow, you live. And so much of life goes on as before.

I am thankful my priorities and what I valued in life changed

How smart you are is not as important as how well you love. I didn’t know that before my kids came into my life. We live in a culture that praises intellect over kindness, a culture that values a high IQ more than compassion. But at the end of our lives those things will matter little, what will matter is how we lived life, how we loved, how we reached out with open hearts. Family. That’s what matters.

I am thankful for the small milestones

Perhaps to some the little milestones go unnoticed, or they seem insignificant, but when you parent a child with a disability, no milestone goes unnoticed. You become so aware of the small things, and those small things have a way of bursting your heart with pride for your child.

I am thankful for the celebration.

Because we notice milestones, we celebrate. We celebrate the small and the big, we celebrate with others around us. And going poopy in the potty is a big deal, even if it takes considerably many more years than the average child. And a labored step with an assistive device is sweeter than a medal for the 100 meter race. You celebrate, and you celebrate big.

I am thankful for the tears

For the tears shed at hospitals, for the tears of helplessness, the tears of loss. Because, in those dark moments God has brought in the most amazing people into my life that understand this journey as intimately as I do. And I have learned what it means to allow God to be in control when I cannot handle it. And those tears have given me strength, helped me to move past my own needs and care for the needs of others. I can now meet people in the messy of life, and understand what it is to feel beat down. So many tears that have become treasures in my heart.

I am thankful for the joy

Because my children brings me indescribable joy. I am lucky I get to call them my own. With all our challenges and the extra work, they are mine to hold and to love.

I am thankful for the unconditional love

I thought I knew about unconditional love simply by being a mother, but I discovered it was easy to love a child that would seemingly meet all my expectations. In that process, I discovered I had expectations for my kids, and that is not unconditional love, that is love with strings attached, so different from what true love is. So I ripped the expectations and tossed them to the wind, because love is freely given expecting nothing in return. We love because we are loved. Oh there is so much love.

What are you thankful for in the special needs journey?

by Ellen Stumbo

Concerns About Accommodation

Your interview is in two hours! You are as ready as you will be to meet the hiring manager with one exception. Even though you are qualified for this job, this will be the first time you interview as a person with a disability. This time you may need accommodations to perform your job.

Accommodation is a big word and means different things to different people and employers. You may wonder when to bring up the subject of accommodations or if you should bring it up at all. Here are some helpful ideas.

Read the Job Description

Some employers will list the actual physical and emotional requirements of the job. For example: “Must be able to lift 40 pounds regularly,” or “ability to remain professional under stressful situations.”

Sometimes you will need to “read between the lines” on a job description. For example, “attendant at busy information booth” means that you may have to deal with impatient people or people who do not understand the information – which could be stressful and overwhelming for someone with emotional disabilities.

Know Your Disability

If you have found an ideal job for your skills, but it means mostly sitting, which will aggravate your back, you can have a strategy in place. By looking at the job description you see different walking or standing tasks. In this case, you could be prepared to ask the interviewer, “Do you think it would be possible if I arranged my time a little differently? Could I do some typing for an hour then file for a while to break up my sitting time?”

You may also need to gather information to determine whether or not you will need accommodations. For example, you cannot drive but the job description, among other responsibilities, requires the “the ability to drive customers to and from the airport.” Because it is just one of many responsibilities it may be an area where there might be more flexibility. You might ask, “How often would you need me to drive customers to or from the airport?” Or “Is there a lot of driving in this job?” This will allow the interviewer to elaborate if it is a common need or very rare. Then you will know if it makes sense to ask if you can “trade the task with a co-worker.” If it is a large part of the job, then this job may not be a suitable fit for your disability.

Try to easily integrate this accommodation question into the conversation or you can also mention it when the interviewer asks for your feedback about the position.

Other ways to suggest physical accommodations to an interviewer might be:

  • “It is difficult for me to climb ladders. Would it be possible for you to schedule someone else on the job that requires climbing a ladder?”
  • “I would love to work here, but I am unable to stand all day. Would it be possible to use a stool during part of the time?”
  • “I really like my ergonomic keyboard. Would you mind if I brought one to use at the office?”

While reasonable accommodations are legally the responsibility of the employer, for example providing a ramp into a building to make it accessible, many times from a practical standpoint, it is preferable and easier to bring your own accommodations. Unless a person needs extensive modifications or has a very visible disability, it is generally more practical to provide your own accommodations and only discuss your disability accommodations if it is something your employer needs to get involved in. Most people with disabilities do not want to be seen as different in the workplace and often there is no reason to disclose. Many employees, with disabilities or without, have favorite chairs and keyboards that they prefer to use.

Scheduling is also a common accommodation for people with disabilities because of ongoing medical appointments. Here are some ways to address that area:

  • “With regards to the schedule, I see that Wednesdays are the truck deliveries with the heavier cargo of more than 25 pounds. That sounds like a lot of lifting for me and I would be a better fit for the other days. Could Wednesday be my day off?”
  • “I can certainly fill all the requirements of the job, but it would be a much better fit if I could have some flexibility in my hours, as I have some regular appointments that I will need to keep.”

Be Prepared to Ask Questions and Address Concerns at the Interview

Remember, when you go into an interview, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects you. It is illegal for employers to discriminate in hiring people because of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age or disability.

However, sometimes employers cannot provide accommodations. A small company may not have the resources to have another employee do a particular task or it might create a safety hazard to have a stool in a particular location.

Therefore, it is important to only apply to jobs where your disability would not affect your ability to handle the job responsibilities or one that can be easily accommodated.

When you find a suitable job that will need some accommodations, be prepared to speak up at the right time! Having a script in place for addressing your accommodations and preparing ahead of time, will help you stay focused about your skills and abilities during the interview.

May your next interview become your next new job!

About the Blogger:

 Paula Reuben Vieillet is president and founder of Employment Options Inc., an authorized Social Security Administration Employment Network in the Ticket to Work Program, which assists those on SSDI/SSI benefits in returning to the workforce. They specialize in Work At Home Employment and have long-term relationships with national employers. They also offer community on-site jobs serving 47 states.

Her company, which also has a Facebook and Twitter page, let’s interested job seekers apply online for their free services at You can also learn more about their Work At Home Specialties. Paula is a frequent consultant to the SSA on the Ticket to Work Program and has authored three books on job placement.

8 Thanksgiving Hacks for Kids on the Spectrum

Christmas decorations are up and it’s only November? Well, it must be time for Thanksgiving! (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) In all seriousness, Thanksgiving can be a fun time filled with food, family, joy, and thankfulness. However, the atypical schedules, new foods, and people-packed homes can be a little overwhelming for kids on the spectrum. Here are some ideas for helping your child get through the day.

  1. Prepare your child a few weeks ahead

Preparation is vital for many kids on the spectrum. Before the big day, sit your child down and explain the day’s schedule, as well as what type of behavior is expected of them. If unfamiliar or rarely-visited family members will be attending the festivities, show your child pictures of the relatives so they know who they’ll see.

  1. Prepare your family to see your child

While it’s important for your child to be prepared for Thanksgiving, it’s equally important for your family to be prepared, particularly if they don’t know much about your kiddo. If your child doesn’t like showing physical affection, give family members a headsup and assure them it’s nothing personal. If you will not be the one cooking the meal, let your host or hostess know about any dietary needs or preferences. This leads us to the next point…

  1. Don’t force your child to eat food they don’t want to eat

Sometimes kids on the spectrum are picky eaters. Rather than trying to force turkey down your child’s throat (and risking a meltdown in the process!), allow them to eat foods they like. This may mean cooking something separate for them. It may mean bringing the preferred food to a relative’s house. If the latter is the case, be sure to give the host or hostess a forewarning. Again, assure them it’s nothing personal.

  1. Try to keep the day as close to your child’s typical schedule as possible

If feasible, do your best to maintain typical schedules. Have your child eat at the normal times, and put your child to bed at the normal time. If you have other rituals, try to keep those consistent as well. It’s okay if it’s not possible — but if that’s the case, be sure to give your child ample warning beforehand.

  1. Give your child a safe, quiet space to escape in case of sensory overload

Sensory overload happens. It’s especially a risk when the house is filled with new smells, and the air is noisier than usual, and a lot of people—both familiar and unfamiliar—are crammed under one roof. Designate a safe spot to which your child can escape if everything gets to be too much.

  1. Consider seating your child at the end of the table

If your little one is particularly prone to sensory overload, consider seating them at the end of the table, so they aren’t squashed between two other people. This provides a little extra space and removes them from the middle of things.

  1. Praise good, appropriate behavior

Is your child doing well? Make sure to let them know! Positive reinforcement not only works, but it also feels good.

  1. Take it easy

This is undoubtedly easier said than done. But you can pull it off by reducing the amount of pressure you put on yourself and your child. Ask for help if you need it. Keep your expectations reasonable and realistic (My Asperger’s Child advises penning a list of what you’d ideally like on Thanksgiving, and cutting it in half). Request that others bring something to pass around if cooking a huge meal will be too much for you. And most importantly, take a deep breath, cut yourself a slice of pumpkin pie, and enjoy the quality time you get to spend with your family, being thankful for what you have!

Veteran’s Day

November 11th, a day to honor the men and women who have served in our armed forces to keep our great nation safe and protect our freedoms we hold dear. During peacetime or if we are at war, our men and women are working hard every day to make sure we can have the right to free speech, to bear arms, our right to our religious beliefs and the list goes on. We wake up every day and do not even really stop to think about all the freedoms we have because of what our veterans have done for us. Some of us take those freedoms for granted and forget what it has cost some of those men and women.

Signing on that dotted line and saying you are willing to give your life for your country if needed is a scary and a proud moment, all at the same time, no matter what branch you serve in. Once you serve it is something you are proud of your entire life. Whether you serve for 4 years, 20 years, or have to be medically discharged the title of Veteran is something you are proud of.

When we see people burning the flag, or stomping on our flag, it really does hurt our hearts. We have lost people protecting that flag. We know you have that right but to a Veteran that is like a slap in the face.

I am a Veteran. I served in the Navy for just shy of 5 years and had to be medically discharged. I am proud that I served and would do it again in a heartbeat if I could. I learned so much from my time in the service. I met so many new people and saw a lot of the country I would never have seen otherwise. It also gave me a lot of new perspective on many things. I will admit that now I do tear up when the National Anthem plays because it means so much more to me now. I lost some great friends in the service and that was something I was not prepared for. I think being in the Navy was the easy part. Trying to fit into the outside world once I was discharged was the hard part. I felt like I belonged in the Navy, but in the real world I felt like I did not fit in and spent years trying to find where I belonged. I think a lot of Veterans feel that way. Some of that may have to do with my disability also. So many of us Veterans have disabilities. We just want to feel like we still belong somewhere and are needed.

So this Veteran’s Day, take a moment to thank a Veteran for their service because without them you would not have all the freedoms you have. They really do appreciate that you care.


In the “how low can you go” category, scammers often target veterans – either in direct scams offering bogus services, or in charity scams that closely mimic the names of legitimate organizations helping veterans and military families. Warn your loved ones of these top tricks:

Bogus Sales – A scammer claiming to be a deploying service member posts a large ticket item on a classified ad website that he needs to sell right away and at a steep discount. The scammer asks for upfront payment with a wire transfer or gift cards.

Real estate rip-off – A scammer posts a fake rental property on a classified ad website offering military discounts. You just need to wire transfer a security deposit to the landlord.

VA phishing – A caller claiming to be from the Department of Veterans Affairs calls to ‘update’ your information.

Fake charities – Fake charities use names that are close to the names of legitimate charities, often referencing Armed Forces, veterans, or military families.

Benefits buyout scam – Scammer will target veterans in need of money by offering cash in exchange for their future disability or pension payments. These buyouts are typically a fraction of the value of the benefit.

Dubious investment advice – An ‘adviser’ will tell the veteran he/she is missing out on benefits, and wants to review her investment portfolio. He’ll then want to put the veteran’s investments in a trust, to appear to have fewer assets and to therefore be eligible for an additional pension.

Here’s how to avoid falling for scams like these:

Be suspicious anytime you are asked to pay by wire transfer or gift cards.

Know that the VA will never call, text, or e-mail you to update your information.

Check out the charity on or before giving any money. Make donations directly to the veterans’ organizations you know.

Only work with VA-accredited representatives when dealing with VA benefits; you can search for them online at the VA Office of General Counsel website.




Disability of the Month

What, you say, is CRPS? I am glad you asked.

CRPS is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It is a chronic pain condition most often affecting one of the limbs (arms, legs, hands, or feet), usually after an injury or trauma to that limb.  CRPS is believed to be caused by damage to, or malfunction of, the peripheral and central nervous systems.  The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system involves nerve signaling from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. CRPS is characterized by prolonged or excessive pain and mild or dramatic changes in skin color, temperature, and/or swelling in the affected area.

CRPS symptoms vary in severity and duration. Studies of the incidence and prevalence of the disease show that most cases are mild and individuals recover gradually with time. In more severe cases, individuals may not recover and may have long-term disability.

Who can get CRPS?

Anyone can get CRPS. It can strike at any age and affects both men and women, although it is much more common in women. The average age of affected individuals is about age 40. CRPS is rare in the elderly. Children do not get it before age 5 and only very rarely before age 10, but it is not uncommon in teenagers.

What are the symptoms of CRPS?

The key symptom is prolonged pain that may be constant and, in some people, extremely uncomfortable or severe. The pain may feel like a burning or “pins and needles” sensation, or as if someone is squeezing the affected limb. The pain may spread to include the entire arm or leg, even though the precipitating injury might have been only to a finger or toe. Pain can sometimes even travel to the opposite extremity. There is often increased sensitivity in the affected area, such that even light touch or contact is painful (called allodynia).


People with CRPS also experience constant or intermittent changes in temperature, skin color, and swelling of the affected limb. This is due to abnormal microcirculation caused by damage to the nerves controlling blood flow and temperature. An affected arm or leg may feel warmer or cooler compared to the opposite limb. The skin on the affected limb may change color, becoming blotchy, blue, purple, pale, or red.


Other common features of CRPS include:

  • changes in skin texture on the affected area; it may appear shiny and thin
  • abnormal sweating pattern in the affected area or surrounding areas
  • changes in nail and hair growth patterns
  • stiffness in affected joints
  • problems coordinating muscle movement, with decreased ability to move the affected body part, and
  • abnormal movement in the affected limb, most often fixed abnormal posture (called dystonia) but also tremors in or jerking of the affected limb.

For more information regarding this basically unknown but very real disability, go to the following link: